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1. What are your best attributes?
Hardworking &
2. What qualities do you admire in a person, and what qualities do
you disapprove of in a person?
Qualities Admired:
Qualities Disapproved:
3. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
A happy life with a loving family . A successful professional career
and a well balanced quality of life .
4. What are your short-term & long-term goals?
Short Term: Complete my study in Musicology and continue to
develop my musical interests .
Long Term: Be a loving mother and wife while maintaining a
successful business . I'd to retire early and live out my remaining
days in the beautiful county side of Vietnam or Greece .
5. What are your hobbies?
Traveling , cooking , working out , spending time with family &
friends , going to concerts & theaters .
6. List any special talents, achievements / awards / honors:
Please see above for ( Model Experiences & Accomplishment )
7. List any previous modeling, pageant, show experiences that you
have been involved in (if any)
Please see above for ( Model Experiences & Accomplishment )
8. Who is the one person you would most like to meet? Why?
Former 1st Lady , Senator Hilary Rodham Clinton . She is a woman with
great courage , grace and intelligence . She is a good mother and wife
. In time of personal crisis , she showed great compassion and dignity
9. If you were stuck on an island and could bring one item, what
would it be?
A knife . I am quite self sufficient . Protection with a knife , I can
build a modest shelter and make the necessary but most importantly , I
can hunt & prevent myself from starving .
10. Would u rather love someone or be loved?
Good question . Knowing myself , I'd rather love the "person" . Why ?
I'm able to express myself , it make me think of ways to make the
person happy. Keep the chase on, the thrill in a way . I want the
chance to know what it's like to have such strong feelings for someone
, and to be capable of feeling such a way for someone that it doesn't
matter if they love you back.... it's better to give than receive....
just as long as the person appreciates me and knows how I feel about
them... that's all that matters , but I need love too !!!
11. If you were a judge, what 3 qualities of top model would you
look for?
Beauty/Presence |